715 Front St
Helena, MT  59601

PO Box 831
Helena, MT 59624

Rural Employment Opportunities  assists low-income Montanans access education and training leading to year-round employment, and economic security. Provides for basic food and gas needs for migrant families.

Rural families who work seasonally have limited income and resources and struggle to maintain economic stability. Rural Employment Opportunities helps limited-income Montanans and their children with emergency assistance and access to education, employment, and job-training activities that lead to year-round employment, improved family income, and greater economic security.

How we help:
Rural Employment Opportunities (REO) is a statewide non-profit that helps rural workers and families access employment and educational opportunities that will improve their income and family economic security. With support for tuition and books from REO’s National Farmworkers Job Program, a participant with a passion for teaching was able to achieve that dream. This individual had a family and her husband was a seasonal employee in the sugar beet fields so their financial picture was bleak. However, she dedicated herself to the program, achieved her associate’s degree, transferred to MSU-B, passed her licensing exam and was hired to teach 2nd grade in a rural Montana school. By having the opportunity to achieve this dream, she and her family now have steady, year round income, insurance and the chance for many opportunities in the future.