We do not have an office at this time. Our staff works from home.
All mail should go to our PO Box:
PO Box 883
Helena, MT  59624

Montana Shares Council Members:

Nikki Andersen, (WorldMontana) 5/2024 – 5/2026
Dave Cooper, Treasurer (At-Large member) 5/2023 – 5/2025
Becky Franks – 5/2023 – 5/2025
Callie Houck, (Heart of the Valley Animal Shelter) 5/2023 – 5/2025
Bill Mathews (Montana Food Bank Network) 5/2024 – 5/2026
Michelle Rogers, Secretary (NeighborWorks Montana) 5/2024 – 5/2026
Dr. Roch Turner, President (Montana College Attainment Network)5/2023 – 5/2025
Kelley Willett, Vice President (Montana Trout Unlimited) 5/2023 – 5/2025

Montana Shares Staff:
Bill Crane, Executive Director
Kristi Paulsen, Office Manager
Jami Welsh, Accountant



Our Mission
Montana Shares is a partnership of Montana-based nonprofit groups devoted to improving the quality of life in communities throughout Montana.

Our Vision
We envision a Montana where all citizens …
a. Acknowledge their responsibility to contribute to their communities and to the well being of the state and nation for present and future generations;
b. Value and address arts and culture, sustainable communities, protection of our environment, dignity in human services and animal welfare, tolerance and diversity, social activism and educational opportunities;
c. Recognize Montana Shares’ commitment to honor donor choice to achieve the highest standards of accountability in charitable giving; and
d. Regard Montana Shares as the most dependable source of support and partnership for statewide and local nonprofits to promote their specific mission.

 Our Values
a. Montana Shares honors donor choice in giving.
b. We work to achieve the highest standards of financial accounting and reporting.
c. All member groups are accountable for meeting nonprofit standards and requirements.
d. We build relationships and encourage community involvement by connecting member groups with donors, employers, employees, and volunteers.
e. We assist member groups through networking, training, technical assistance, and support.
f. We are a member-directed partnership of groups working together for the common good of Montana Shares.
g. Each member group is honored for its distinctive mission and advocates for its partners.


Funding for Change

Montana Shares is a federation of Montana-based nonprofit organizations working to promote our state’s human, animal, cultural and natural resources. Members are working on issues concerning health and hunger, women and families, the environment,  community arts and culture, education, animal welfare, social and economic justice and human rights.

By focusing beyond symptoms and addressing the root causes of problems through education, prevention efforts, direct services and advocacy, our member agencies address issues which affect our state as a whole and our individual communities.

Cooperative fundraising through workplace giving is a low-cost, effective way to raise needed funds. Via Montana Shares, our members are able to diversify their funding sources, strengthen their financial stability and more creatively and effectively serve the people of Montana.


Distribution of Funds

Montana Shares distributes funds through a donor driven system. You may designate all or part of your pledged contribution to specific member groups and those organizations will receive your designated gifts. Undesignated pledges are shared equally among full member groups in accordance with policy adopted by the members.  85% of all campaign contributions are distributed to the member groups; 15% is withheld as program support fee; and 100% of the funds stay in Montana.


Financial Statements

Montana Shares is audited annually and meets the national standards for federations set by Community Shares-USA. The IRS Form 990 and audited financial statements for Montana Shares’ most recent fiscal year (FYE 2018) reflects a low amount of our revenues (4.8%) were spent on general management and fundraising.