Points Q&A
Here is a copy of the points excel spreadsheet. Save this excel sheet, fill in each quarter (tab is marked at the bottom of the excel sheet). Send a copy at the end of each quarter to Kristi.
Shares Points Report 2023 all quarters
Possible Points
Zoom Spring Meeting – 3 points for meeting and 1 point for evaluation
Watching all the orientation videos – 1 point
Do SECGC at Capitol at the MT Shares table – 1 point per hour per group
Access – Opening doors at new workplace – 10 points
(Coordinate with MS staff to talk to new workplace, set up a meeting with decision makers, present to get YES or NO.)
Adopt a workplace – 10 Points
(Get to know someone at workplace. Find out when to kickoff, drop off pledge forms, pickup pledge forms.)
Give a presentation – 3 points
(Presenting at your own workplace is required & not eligible for points)
Worked on campaign kick-off – 3 points
Deliver materials to site – 1 point
Collect pledge forms – 1 point
Local Shares Meeting – 1 point per meeting
Spring and/or Fall meeting per person –
4 points per meeting
1 point for evaluation turned in
Travel: 1-3 hours – 1point
3-5 hours – 2point
>5 hours – 3 point
Raffle – 1 point per $100 over requirement of $450
Deliver a prize to a winner – 1 point
Help with reconciliation – 1 point per person per hour
If you are not sure if something is worth points, please ask!